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There has never been a more accurate saying than 'you are what you eat'.

It is, quite literally, true.

The very fabric of our bodies, the organs, bones, muscles, tendons....every molecule has come from the food that we have eaten.

As far as weight management is concerned, your diet accounts for as much as 80% of the results that you're looking for. The exercise aspect takes care of the rest.

However, it is most certainly true that YOU CAN'T OUT-TRAIN A BAD DIET!

So, for obvious reasons, it's vital for our health and wellbeing that we eat a healthy, sensible diet.

Unfortunately, so many of us eat for convenience rather than in a way that's beneficial to us. It is well documented that we are facing an epidemic of obesity and related illnesses.

The frustrating thing as far as I am concerned is that so much of the information that we are given by the government and food indusrty is, at best, confusing or, at worst, deliberately misleading.

Politics, corporate interest and the truth rarely mix well.

Unfortuntely, profit comes before all else. Even the health of the general public, it would seem.

Ironically, one of the worst culprits is the diet industry itself.

As with the food industry in geneneral, profit comes before all else.

Contrary to what you may believe, you don't (always) need to count calories, buy expensive 'diet' branded foods or feel constantly hungry in order to lose weight.

Adopting a few basic principles is all that most of need to do to see significant changes in our bofy fat levels.

For this reason, I offer three services to help you adopt and maintain a healthy, nutritious diet.

The 'Definitive' program, 'Diet Analysis' and 'Shopping / Kitchen Guide'.

Click on the links on the right of the page to see which one is right for you.

All of these programs can be taken either at your own home, or within my personal studio and treatment room, The Studio, located just outside Warrington town centre.
